Rose Bouquet

Luxe Dozen+ Valentine's Day

Luxe Dozen+ Valentine’s Day


You can never go wrong with a bouquet of hand delivered long stem red and pink roses! We designed this timeless red and pink bouquet to make a statement for your special someone. Roses are an elegant, iconic and romantic gift for anyone close to your heart. Each rose is handcrafted and hand delivered to say “I love you” directly to your loved one’s home or office.

Arrangement includes one dozen red, pink, and circus long-stem roses in a vase (stock varies, please call with questions). Or, upgrade to Two or Three Dozen using the drop down menu.


Note: delivery is only available to the following zip codes: 75009, 75024, 75025, 75033, 75034, 75035, 75036, 75068, 75070, 75071, and 75078.

For delivery, choose “Local Delivery” in the shipping option. For in-store pickup, choose “Local Pickup.”

For more questions, view our Frequently Asked Questions, call us at 469.545.2797 or send us an email.

View more arrangements or shop by occassion by clicking here.

Additional information

Dozen (s)

12 Roses, 24 Roses, 36 Roses